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Re: Sex– and Rights of the Mentally ill

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Back seat of car
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

I agree, Prostitution should be legalized and Regulated in America for the Mentally ill, but the Chronic Mentally ill should be allowed to commit Suicide so long as they don’t Physically hurt anyone else.
The Mentally ill are suffering and they should be allowed to legally end their suffering in a doctor’s office… after all it’s thier LIFE, their BODY, and their
Right to Die…
Should they, the Mentally ill be Forced to live AGAINST THEIR WILL, of course not..
It is UNREASONABLE to expect them to live their
WHOLE LIVES dependant upon Psychiatric Drugs
The Rights of the Mentally ill are being VIOLATED, where is the PUBLIC OUTRAGE over the Fact that currently the Mentally ill are denied the Right to Die.

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