When summer came around and i first saw my girl friend in her 2 peice swim suit i knew i had to have her. Nothing was like the new feelings I was having and all i could think about was getting her naked and fucking with her. I had no idea how she felt till she told me she liked the summer cause i usually only wore shorts around the house and of course when we went swimming at her pool. She liked rubbing my chest an I kidded that it was not fair that I could go around shirtless but she had to cover her breasts. We were alone at her house and she said “not for you I don’t” and proceeded to remove her top. Now we were both naked from the waste up and that meant we were kissing and feeling each other out, me especially. I licked her nipples then she did mine and i was pleased to find out how good that felt. Now we were on a course to no return and shortly we were totally naked and on her bed. I always carried a condom just for wishfull thinking but now I had the chance to use it. The next minutes were total heaven for me, making love to my girl and experancing the best feeling a guy can ever have – cumming in a pussy! It rocked!