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Age when it happend: 25
Where it happened: boyfriend's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was my 25th birthday, a warm late July day. We had had the party when my boyfriend Jimmy said he had a special present back at his house.

When I arrived at Jimmy’s house, it became clear quickly that Jimmy’s special prsent was that he was going to try to seduce me. He put on music and he actually turned the thermostst up. I, of course, undid a couple of buttons, at whcih point Jimmy slid his hand down onto my boob. He followed this with several other sexual moves, including creeping a hand up my leg and kissing the spot on the back of my neck, which was very arousing. I was weakening to his plan quickly and I was surprised that I didn’t much mind. You see, I was raised as a good Christian girl and purity advocate.

Eventually, Jimmy leaned forward and began to unbutton my dress. I didn’t fight him. Instead, I asked him to go get me something. then I went upstairs, dropping items of clothing along the way. My boots were on the steps, as well as my dress. I left my bra at the top of the steps, hung my panties on the doorknob, turned down the bed, and wrapped myself in the sheet. You should have seen how hard Jimmy was when he arrived.

He took off his clothes quickly and climbed on the bed next to me. I turned so he could eat me. Then I sucked him off until he was stiff and close to orgasm. I broke away from him and rolled on my back.

Jimmy came down on me for an hour! He was really good.

All in all, it was a very satisfying first experience.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience