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Recording Studio Bathroom

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Recording Studio Bathroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

Guess you could call this a “First Time”. Yet “First Time”s
are supposed to be with someone you love, and this couldn’t
be farther from the case.

I was at the recording studio with my group. I was playing
poorly that day, got frusterated and left the recording room.
Which was so unlike me to be that aggressive. I went to the
lobby, sat down and cryed. Seconds later, my instructor
came in to comfort me. Nothing unusual, I cry a lot infront
of him. We were very close friends since we’ve known each
other for 11 years. And it was obvious that I was his favorite
student. Anyway, a few minutes pass, I get up to go to the small
bathroom to see how much a wreck I was. I was looking in the
mirror and I saw him in the reflection. I turned around and
smiled. I gave him a “What are you doing here?” look. He
smiled kind of funny. Then, he moved forward and started
kissing me all over. I was very shocked and must have turned
white. I just froze. To make a horrible story short, he held
my wrists, sat down on the toilet lid, and made me straddle him.
When he was done, he said,”Don’t be too long in here, we have
a recording to do.”

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience