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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Yonkers, NY
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We were in high school together. We were lab partners spending 3 periods a day side by side. We both talked a good game about all our “experiences” with sex.

We were both 16 and it was exam time so we were studying together for electronics theory and spending more time together. We had never done any of the typical boyfriend/girlfriend things, but we both talked a good game about how we should just fuck. I got into the habit of keeping some rubbers in my backpack just in case.
So one afternoon, we were studying and then started kissing. Next thing we are on the bed, both pushing each other to go further. Clothes come off, I rolled on a Rough Rider and we somehow achieved penetration. We were actually fucking. After I came, she of course said she did too, and I looked at the bed spread. It was like the Flag of Japan. She said something about her period and we got dressed.

We had sex a few more times but noth being in a relationship it was kind of wierd.

Needless to say it wasn’t until many years later that we admited to each other that this was our first time.

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