Where it happened: My Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Her name was Kimberly. She was my height, 5’6”. She was of Irish decent, with creamy white skin. At age 18, she had a full figure of about 160 pounds. She had heavy D cup breasts, large love handles, a large round tummy, yet her legs were smooth and thin.
We decided to skip school that day, and planned for her to come over to my house. I was intending to lose my virginity to her that day.
The week before, we had stripped down together and masturbated each other. It had been my time being intimate with a person.
I ran out to meet here when she called to saw she was near, kissing her the second we were together.
She was wearing a tight green shirt, showing off generous cleavage. She wore extremely short denim shorts, her round belly hanging over them. Beneath those were fishnet stockings, tucked into cute sneakers.
We entered my room and locked the door.
I asked, “So, what do you want to do?”
“Well, I want to have sex.”
If ever there was a cue.
We took off our shoes. She laid down on my bed and we fiercely make out.
“Before we go any further, will you be my boyfriend?”
I stripped our shirts, and freed her large breasts from her black bra. It was glorious to wrap myself around her wonderful upper-half.
I took off her shorts. She had a thin thong under the fishnets. This was the hottest sight ever.
Her stockings are removed, leaving her in her thong. Her voluptuous body was entirely mine.
I stood and removed my shorts. We smiled at each other. I removed my underwear. There I was, naked before a girl for the first time. Alas, no erection.
She was surprised at how thin I was. I had lost weight. I was wonderful to have her touch my naked body. I wasn’t shy. If nothing else, I was at my most confident. I strutted around my room, getting a condom out, caressing her. This, however, was not producing an erection.
I removed her panties and stuck my face in her pussy. I began to finger her. The signs weren’t over-the-top, but she clearly enjoyed it. It was wonderful to hear her moan my name, and surrender to my efforts. Her vagina and my hand were ridiculously wet and smelly.
My penis continued to hang low. I began to masturbate, this completely blind sighted me. I got a rise, and asked her to put it in her mouth. She agreed.
It was awful, it couldn’t get hard. But I decided to move forward. I unwrapped the condom, and tried to put it on. Nothing doing, it got soft again.
Once I got the condom on, I opened her up and tried to go in. Impossible, it was soft again. There was defeat in our faces.
She said, “Let’s forget about having sex today.” I was so angry at myself.
I laid down on my bed as she walked across my room. It was wonderful to look up at her wide hips walking around my room in the nude.
I told her about how I had masturbated before her arrival. She took my penis in her hand, but she was tugging at nothing. I asked her to stop.
She admired my butt and slapped it. I modeled some of my underwear for her. I asked her to show me her butt, but she refused. She didn’t like her butt.
We put on Roger Rabbit to forget about sex. She laid her naked self on my stomach. I played with her thickly huge boobs, and kissed her favorite spot on the left side of her neck.
The movie ended. We put on ABC Family. She put on all her clothes. I put on my shirt, but continued to watch the TV bottomless.
Suddenly I got a rise. “If you take off your bottoms right now, we can have sex.” It sounded a little like charging into battle, looking back on it.
The flame instantly turned on in her eyes. She became nude from the waist down. Wildly improvising, I asked her to sit at the edge of my bed. I began stabbing at her entrance with my tip, it wouldn’t go in. The sensation drove her wild, however, as she had a bit of an orgasm during this.
My penis was raging now, and she couldn’t stand waiting anymore. She wrapped her hand around my dick, and led it inside. She winced. We looked at each other with grins. I was inside of Kimberly.
I started thrusting into her. My feet and knees hurt from suspending my gyrating body, but I didn’t let up. She bit her tongue and closed her eyes. Sweat runs down my forehead. I fall out of her and land on my knees.
“Oh, Rene, you’re not a virgin anymore!” She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me.
“I’ve just lost my virginity, to the only person who I’ve wanted to for the last two years.” It was a wonderful moment.
I wasn’t done. We stripped completely, and assumed the missionary position on the floor next to my bed. I entered her some six times until her cell rang.
She had to return home. We dressed up, kissed, and I walked her to a bus stop.
The sex ultimately wasn’t particularly satisfying for her, but I was relieved to have given her something.