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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Ok. This is so anti climactic. But, here it goes. I was 14. About 2 weeks away from being 15. He was 16. He and I flirted a little here and there around school. But, really wasn’t the type of guy I would go out with. He was sort of a trouble maker. His name was John. Anyway….it wasn’t really a case of burning hormones for me at the time. At the time quite a few of my friends were having sex, and of course would give me crap for still being a virgin. So, eventually I decided to just do it. Very bad choice. I wasn’t with a boyfriend at the time. I knew this guy, John, had a big thing for virgins. That was what he was known for, going after the virgins. Anyway, we kind of joked around about it the day before. Then, since my mom was going to be gone the next day, and I was allowed to stay home, because my stepsister was moving back to her mom’s 2 days later(I was suppose to spend time with her.), we decided to do it then. My step step sister was home with me, and pretty much knew what was going to happen. John came over, I was nervous. My 2 brothers were home also. So, my sister helped me bribe them to stay in their room so they didn’t see John come in the house. He and I went to my room, blasted the stereo, and kissed a little. I had no clue what to do. Up to that point I had only been fingered(by him of course on the school bus). I just waited for him to make a move. He sort of leaned me back on the bed, and started to put his hands down my pants. He helped me get my jeans and underwear off and I helped him with his. I just kept kissing his lips the whole time as he started to put his dick in me. I was so nervous that I didn’t want him to see me look down at it. I glanced a little. It hurt so bad that I’m sure I almost bit his lip off. There was nothing sweet or romantic about it. The funny thing is that he thought he was using me for sex, when in fact, I was using him for the same thing. I was just glad it was done and over with. Which I couldn’t even tell when it was over anyway. LOL. We both got our clothes on. He sat on my bed chatting or something. I finally had to tell him he had to go before my brothers found out he was there. I just wanted to get in the shower and bathe. There was blood all on the inside of my thighs. I wish I had not done that with him. A few months later, I met my first love, Tim, and just told everyone he was my first. LOL. Very few people know about John and me. It’s one of those bad memories you try to block out. Even though he was my first, I could still tell that his dick was very small compared to what it should have been. LOL. We met up a few years later after highschool. He was with one of my old friends. She didn’t know we had ever been together. Neither of us let on about it. Hell. I’m sure he didn’t even remember it. Sooo….I guess I had sex strictly because my friends were doing it. Great. Right? LOL. Well….that’s my dull little story.

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