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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: His Apartment
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well it all started when my friend and I used to go to this dance club. I really had the hot’s for this guy who was the DJ. His name was Dave K. and I thought he was the greatest. Well we were at the club the one night and he was flirting with me really heavy. So the night progressed and my friend and I ended up at his apartment. Dave and I went to his room to talk while my friend waited in the other room. We talked for a while and he kissed me which turned me on. Then he slowly started undressing me but i stopped him at my Bra because i have very small breasts (A cup) and am very unhappy with them so i made him leave my bra on. Soon i was undressed with only my bra on and he started undressing. I saw him naked for the first time and he was built really nice. His penis was rather large from what I had seen before. He moved closer to me and helped me to the floor where he continued to kiss me. While kissing me he moved himself into position over me and tried to enter me with is penis. It wouldn’t go in and he said to me “damn your tight”. I didnt say anything , I just bit my lip. I didnt want to tell him i was a virgin. He thought i was really experienced. He tried again and could barely get it in and it hurt really bad. I let out a little cry of pain and my friend outside the room heard me and asked if i was alright.
I said yes everything was alright . Then he tried again and got only an inch or two into me and i was ready to die. Then he said “you are a virgin aren’t you”. As he said that i pulled away from him got dressed and went out to my friend and we left. I went home and showered and cried. I felt like crap. I never did lose my virginity with him. I did later on to another guy named Gibby. But that is another story and that was my first sexual experiance.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience