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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time was very unplanned and unexpected to say the least. I was a sophomore in high school and had just begun dating when school had started. The first part of November I was ask out by a senior on the football team. At first I felt he was too old since I had just dated three or four times but he was persistent and I finally went out with him. Our first date went great and when he ask me out again i didn’t hesitate accepting. As on all my previous dates we went out to eat then to a movie. Since we had gotten to an early movie we got out a hour and a half before my curfew. When he suggested we drive out to a local parking and kiss site where lots of the crowd went I agreed since we had some time. When we got there only a couple of other cars were there and we parked away from them. Being my first year of dating I was very naive to many things. I had only kissed on the lips and that was the extent of it. He knew I was inexperienced so we kissed a few times and he made small talk. As we were kissing again he eased me down in the seat. I was a little uneasy but also infatuated with the attention. He ask me if I knew how to french kiss and I told him I had heard of it but never had. He told me what to do and away we went. The fenching got me very excited and my whole body was reacting. I broke out in a cold sweat and I realized sometthing was going on down below also. I guess he knew things were happening and in the middle of a deep kiss his hand made its way to my crotch. I reacted quickly by grabbing his hand to move it but before I could
he was inside my panties and touching me on the outside. The feeling was unbelievable. I kept hold of his hand and he just rubbed me for a few seconds and we kissed again. I relaxed briefly I felt his fingers going inside me. He going deeper and deeper getting me so excited that I started to cry with pleasure. When he made the move to get himself out and get between my legs I came to my senses and told him we needed to stop. Just as I got the words out of my mouth I felt him going inside me and I remember just saying ” oh no !!!”. Once he got in there was no stopping on either of our parts. Every time he pushed in I pushed against him making sure he went as far as possible inside me. Finally he told me he was getting ready to cum and instead of asking him to pull out I gave it everyting I had until he had filled me up. It was a very stupid move on my part but I would never give that moment up for anything. I was lucky not to get pregnant becuse I gave him every ingredient he needed to accomplish that.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience