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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: home
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

Not too long ago I was looking through some old boxes and things in the basement of our house. I came across some old black and white photos and did they ever open my eyes! They were nudist pictures of my grandmother and another woman! I have to admit that I was shocked. There is fifty four photos all together. Lots of them were taken outdoors and some indoors. There were not like sex pictures as such. In a few of them my grandmother and this women who I later realized was one of her friedns whom I have met, were washing a car. A 1958 ford. They were standing there with a hose and bucket of suds laughing and having a good time. In other pictures they are at the beach. Like I said, they were not sex picture, as such. Although I could tell that there was something kind of sexy going on between my grandmother and her friend. In quite a few of the phots they have their arms around each other, and there’s just something about the sexy way that they are looking at one another. I knew my grandmother before she passed away, and she was not a lesbian. But judging by the photographs, it’s not difficult to tell that she and her friend were having a bisexual relationship. I guess stuff went on back then just like today.
I didn’t know excatly what to do after I found these pictures, so I put them back. There was no way of course that I dared asked my mom about them. Gee, mom…did you known that your mom was a nujdist and probably bisexual? I didn’t think that would go over too big. Anyway, after a couple of weeks, I told a girlfriend about them. She wanted to see, so I showed her.She was as surprised as I was, but she thought that it was cool, two females friends having a female relationship like that. I had to admit that thinking about it those terms, I thought it was pretty cool too, really. We laughed about it and joked what it might be like if the two of us had that sort of firendship where we could be naked, enjoying the outdoors together. Curious, we decided to give it a try. We drove up near a lake that is not too far away, and found a secluded spot where we proceeded to take off our clothes. It was fun being a nudist like that with a friend, and the two of us tried a little mild affection. Well, that got us started, and we ended up masturbating one another to a glorious orgasm! It was some of the best sex that either of us have ever had. So thanks to my grandmother, we learned the beauty of female friendships.

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