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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Out of my mind
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We had all been partying, you know, making trouble in a small town. Stupid shit. And then we got home, sleeping in my boyfriend’s room, but there was other people there. I couldn’t sleep, so I went and got water, chilled in the living room. Then my boyfriends older brother came out, his name is Bobby, he was 19. He asked me why I was awake, told him I couldn’t sleep. I was just laying down on the bed.. one of those fold out couches. He kinda sat down next to me, and I could tell something was wrong. I had always thought he was cute, you know? But he scared me now. And he layed down next to me and started pulling down my pants. I told him to stop, so he did. Then he just kissed my, and I kissed him back. It got kind of heavy, and he started fingering me. I was drunk still, but I knew it was wrong. I got on top of him, but then he stopped everything. “My brother says you suck dick reaal good.” And I didn’t know what to say, I just got mad, told him to fuck off. But he was stronger than me, so he started touching me, but it hurt. He pulled my arms together, and he got my pants off. He kissed me again, hard though, way too hard and he pulled his boxers off, and he told me to suck it. I didn’t want to, I tried to scream but he put his hand over my mouth, then started choking me when I struggled, so I just got really quiet. And then… then he got my underwear off, and he just put it in me. And the rest is so blurry god it hurt so much. And I cried, but I was scared, he said he would tell my boyfriend and I didn’t know what to do. He told me to suck him off, but I just laid there, on my side, and he hit me and slapped me a few times but I was just kind of gone. And then it was all over. I just went in the shower, I cried. I didn’t tell anyone, and when I saw him again it was like he didn’t even remember. I broke up with my boyfriend, I told him it was because of the distance. But it wasn’t. The next morning after that, I just said I was sick, I went home. I didn’t know what to do. I wish I had said something, but its too late now. Later I found out he was on PCP or something, my best friend said he was acting all stupid that night. But they never saw the blood on the sheets, and I couldn’t show them the bruises. I couldn’t tell my best friend, because it was her older brother too. I still blame myself, i feel so stupid. I’ve only told one of my friends.

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