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Right ‘Round the Corner

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: His Basement
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Almost 2 years into our Relationship me and Rich finally had sex. It would have had happened earlier but their were a couple of road blocks.First it was my cock-blocking little brother, then he went into the navy, we rarely saw each other and when we saw each other my cocking blocking little brother was still in the way.It was so hard not to give into temptations while he was gone,but i kept my self in check and didn’t give in.When he came for a visit i had plenty of doubts anything was gonna happen b/c of many failed attempts, so when he called and told me to come over his house I thought ain’t shit gonna happen. I go over there, we chilled in his living room for a while,watched a bit of t.v. and talked. Then he led me to his basement.We made out for a while, then asked me if i wanted to try 69.For me it was unexpected,i was a virgin therefore i was very inexperienced in any kind of sex peroid.He sensed i wasn’t up for it, so he offered to go first.Running thru my mind was,’oh my God, this feels good.I gottta return the favor’. When he was done, I returned the favor,i wanted to get a cough drop, a mint or an altoid to put in my mouth while i did it,but i thought ok this is my first time doing this, i should just make it simple.After about 10-15 minutes I had to stop, my neck was killing me.When that was done and over with we made out for a bit, then he wanted to do anal. I wasn’t up for it the first time he wanted to try it & wasn’t up for it this time but decided to try it one last time.I’ll say it’ll be the last time I will attempt anal sex.Anyway We made out for another while,then I finally asked him to get a condom so we can do what I came there for.OK he got the condom, but he wasn’t “up” for it. Some how that time when we where makin out, he became limp.He shows me and tells me that I “broke it”.He tries to persuade me to give him head again but it wasn’t working, i wasn’t gonna do it again.He keeps tellin that he wasn’t a “weak nigga” but then tells me my laughin wasn’t helpin.With a bit of my help he gets it up.After a bit of prying and poking he gets it in, it hurt a bit but after a while it felt good, after another while i got bored.I know its kinda sad, but damn, one position for about a half hour is boring.I came and it was finally over,he doesn’t cum, but the condom breaks.Going thru my head is oh shit!We put our clothes. I was very tempted to ask him how it feel to have just commit a crime (He was twenty while i was only sweet 16)but i chose not to.We chilled for a while, then he walked me home, where i met my pops who screamed on me and Rich, for comin home too late,tellin me he cant call the house again. If he only knew wut really happened just round the corner he wud wanna kill him.But doesn’t he know that if u tell me i can’t have him makes me want him more. Hopefully next time I’ll have fun.

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