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Age when it happend: 12 1/2
Where it happened: Camp grounds
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

There are state game lands near my house and I ride my bike there a lot. I was 12 1/2 that suummer and riding by myself because my 2 girlfriends were away. We always pushed our bike up to the top of a hill so we could coast down it real fast. I should not have done it alone but when I did I went of the side embankment and rolled down a steep hill almost 50 yards down. I think I was almost knocked out from it and just layed there for a long time. I had cuts all over me from the bushes and and hit my back and head on the rocks. I was filthy dirty from the mud and just layed there crying. A guy found me and put me and my bike in the back of his truck and took me to my house. My older sister was supposed to be home but she wasn’t and the door was locked. I had a key but when I rolled down the hill I must have lost it. The guy took me back to his trailer at the camp grounds and tried to call my house. At first he put ice on my head and sort of wiped off some of the cuts and scrapes I had. I was covered in mud and even had it in my hair so he told me I should take a shower to get all the dirt off me. He told me he was a medical student and he had a first aid kit. I trusted him and he was very nice to me so I did go into the small shower in his trailer. He had me give him my clothes and gave me a large beach towel telling me he would rinse off my clothes. When I came out he had me lay down on his table and put an ice pack on my head and started to clean and put antibiotic cream on my cuts. I had scrapes all over me from the bushes and he had me on my stomach when he started to move the towel up almost taking it off me. I was embarrassed when he did this because I even had scrapes on my butt. He kept telling me that he was a medical student and just told me not to be shy about it and he was only trying to help me. Within a few minutes I was naked on his table and even though I was blushing and embarrassed just let him tend to my cuts. It was more humiliating when he turn me on my back. My breasts were small at the time and I had very little pubic hair and aside from my father or a doctor no other man or boy had seen me naked. He just kept telling me he was a med student and not to be embarrassed. I shut my eyes and he continued wiping me off and putting the sauve on me. He just started rubbing the sauve all over me touching my breasts and pushing my legs open. Never once did I tell him to stop but know I should have. His hand went to my inner thighs and I finally opened my eys and sat up. When I did he pointed out the long scrape up my leg almost to my vagina. I wasn’t as badly embarrassed by then and laid back down and closed my eyes again. If I kept my eyes closed, for some reason, I wasn’t as embarrassed as much. Then I felt his hand on my vagina. I never asked what he was doing but it did feel good and he began to finger me. He rubbed the sauve or what ever it was all over my breasts and I was very soon aroused by it. Over the next half hour or so I climaxed two times and I’m sure he knew it because I maoned loudly enough for him to hear me. Oddly he never tried to have me touch him and soon gave me my clothes that were still damp and had me get dressed. He then called my house and my sister was home at last. He drove me home and left right away. I did tell my sister that I showered there and that he took care of my cuts and the bump on my head but never told her that he had me naked and masturbated me. When my parents got home they questioned me about it and I could tell they were worried that I showered there. They were very curious as to what he did to me. I never mentioned I was naked in front of him and never even considered telling them how he touched and masturbated me. I know now that he manipulated me and know I am lucky I wasn’t raped or forced to do anything to him. I never saw him again and rode my bike where his trailer was a number of times after that but it was never there. I don’t know if he really was a medical student but he was very nice to me the whole time. I still masturbate at times thinking about how he aroused me and was able to bring me to orgasm two times. I have always been to ashamed to tell anyone what I let him do to me. It was pretty dumb but at the time I was naive enough to trust him. Right after that happened I began to masturbate more often and for a time masturbated almost everyday. Even now sometimes I think about it even when my boyfriend is fingering me.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience