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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: girlfriends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I drove to my girlfriends house to see if she wanted to do something that night.
When I arrived I noticed that her car was gone. So i went inside and her mother
told me that she was at basketball practice and wouldnt be back for like 3 hours.
So not to be rude decided to hang out there for a little bit and then go to a friends
house. We sat in the living room for a while just talking. My girlfriends father worked
nights so we were completely alone. Now i had been noticing for a while that she would act
vey friendly too me and always be putting her hands on my shoulders and even one time my ass!
Not that I minded at all, she had a great body and Id have to say the nice looking tits.
Anyway…as we talked i could see where this was going to lead because our conversaation kept
going back to how her husbad works a lot and how hes “never around anymore” so I asked her if
she wanted to go downstairs where it was cooler, They had a finished basement which was perfect
for fooling around. She agreed and as we walked she took my hand and flashed me a look which
instantly told me what I was in store for. Once downstairs she layed me on the floor, crawled
on top of me and began kissing me passionately. This caught me a little off guard because it
all happened rather quickly, but i caught on and begaing holding her close and kissing back. We
undressed eachother except for her panties and my boxers. Still on top of me she took my hands
and slid off her panties. Now extremely aroused my cock was poking thru the frontof my boxers and
she began giving me head. It must have been my body language of something because right before i
came she stopped, rolled me ontop of her and what she said next Ill never forget “Since
first brought you home ive fantasized about this!’ She then slid off my boxers, layed down, and put her legs
up on my shoulders. This really surprised me and Ill admit it took me a second to get inside her. But I
did and made love for quite a while. We agreed never to tell anyone, and unfortunately we never had sex again.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience