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Ron’s Fabulous body

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Neighborhood pool
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

For several years we had lived in quite a cosmopolitan subdivision, in mid-Michigan, where a number of our neighbors were of different ethnic backgrounds — India, the Phlippines, Pakistan, Thailand, Japan, and a lot of ordinary caucasian-American couples, like my mom and dad, my brother and myself.

In 1983, our next door neighbors sold their home, and soon thereafter a mixed racial couple, probably in their mid-40s, moved in. The man was a tall,muscular, very handsome black man and his wife was a beautiful blonde lady. He was a regional manager for a chain of convenience stores in the midwest, and his wife was a school teacher.They had a son, who I soon found out was 22 and attended the local University which I also attended. Being of mixed racial background, he was not quite as dark as his father, but looked very much like him — tall (about 6′), slim and very handsome.Amazingly, he had sort of blonde, curly hair however.

It was not long before we introduced ourselves to each other, and found out that we were attending the same college. I was a freshman. He was a senior.

Our subdivision had a neighborhood swimming pool which was open during the Summer months,for residents of the subdivision. Since they needed a lifeguard, primarily to watch the little kids, our neighbor’s son volunteered. It also gave him the opportunity to earn a little spending money.

During the daytime hours, there were mostly mothers and their small children using the pool, but there were a few of us teenagers who were over there quite a bit too, and we would sort of lounge around, in between swims, and watch this handsome young fellow, sitting in the lifeguard chair in his white “speedos,” just sort of drooling over him.After a few weeks, we began to flirt a bit and he seemed to enjoy being the center of attraction.

The pool was also open during the evening hours until 10:00 P.M., and while it wasn’t necessary for the lifeguard to be on duty, he frequently stayed around, since it was his job to close and lock the fenced in pool after everyone had left. He certainly did look fine in those form fitting white “speedos” and when some of us girls were around in our bikinis,you could not help but see the rather prominent bulge in front.At times it looked like his rather large penis might begin to penetrate the top of his suit, but he always managed to keep it enclosed.

After several weeks of being at the pool most every evening, I volunteered to stay and help him close the pool — by putting all the pool furniture back in an orderly fashion, putting away some of the inflatable floating devices in the pool house (which also contained a changing room and shower)etc.

This one evening, after everyone else had left, and I was re-arranging the pool furniture He quietly came up behind me, placing his arms around my bare midriff, and then moving his hands quite quickly up to my breasts, which were not large, but quite ample, and he began massaging them, while putting his groin area very tightly into my buttocks. I could feel that he had a massive erection inside his tight-fitting “speedos,” and it really felt good.

He told me that he had been watching me over the last several weeks, and there were times when I seemed to have my eyes fixed on the front of his suit, and he asked me if I would like to see what was inside. I was quite surprised, but I could feel his penis really pulsating against my body, and I quickly said, “Yes.”

At this point, he released me and we both sat down in a couple of the deck chairs that were there. His chair was facing mine. And he said, “Now look very carefully, because this is really a work of art.” He then slowly began rolling down the tight fitting white “speedos” from his beautiful dark tan body, and there emerged this beautiful, very hard and erect penis, which I would estimate was nearly 9′ in length.

I had never seen a man’s fully erect penis before, and this was, as he said, truly a work of art. It stood straight in the air, and in the moonlight overhead, it was a sight to behold.

At this point, he said, “I would really like to see those beautiful breasts of yours. Would you let me remove your top?”

Since he had done me the favor of removing his swim suit, I felt that I could hardly do any less, and so I quickly unsnapped my top, releasing my breasts for him to see, and I also said, since youshowed me yours, I might as well show you mine,and quickly rolled down my bottoms and let them drop to the floor.

We were both stark naked at this point, and we got up out of our chairs and embraced.His long and hard penis was pressing into my groin and abdomen and it felt like i was in heaven! He then began kissing me passionately, flicking his tongue in and out of my mouth. I could tell he had done this before and was very experienced.

He then lowered himself a bit and began to lick my nipples, which had become very hard by this time, and he slowly descended on my body, with kisses everywhere that simply made me shudder.

He then ask me to lie down in one of the longe chairs on the deck, which I did, and he soon was on his knees, between my legs licking my vagina feverishly, andthen flicking histongue inand out of my clitoris very rapidy. I was in absolute ecxtasy! After about 15 or 20 minutes of this foreplay, he said, “Would you do the honor of letting me fuck you? You are so beautiful, I feel I simply must have you.”

I had never before had a sexual encounter, even though I was 19 years old, having been brought up in a very strict family, but the feeling that he was giving me was simply overwhelming. And it did not feel wrong.It felt like it was meant to be.

So, very gently, he lowered himself on top of me there in thelounge chair, and slowly began to enter me clitoris, first just the headof his penis, then a little more, then more and more. It did hurt slightly at first, and he kep asking me if it hurt. I said, “Yes, but please keep doing it, because I love that beautiful thing in my body. Please don’tstop.”

He continued at a slow, stead, merasured pace, but then gradually began to plunge deeper inside me at a faster and faster pace. I had had my eyes closed, but then I opened them and saw this beautiful dark brown body against my tanned white skin, and it lookecso beautiful, with him just plunging deeper and deeper inside me. I could barelt contain myself because with our bodies joined together and the feelings inside me so wonderful, it felt like I had died and gone to heaven.

I cried out several times to him, “Oh please, fuck me harder, please fuck me!” And he obliged for what eemed a very long time.

Finally, he could contain himself no longer and he gushed a large amount of semen inside me, and he began to pulsate and thrust even more. His 9″ cock kept pulsating within me and filling me until I screamed out loud in joy. I”m not sure if any of the neighbors heard it, but if they did they must have known what was going on.

Finally, we were both exhausted and he rolled over and laid in another lounge chair. We both just laid there looking up at the sky for the longest time.

Then, since we were both sweating like crazy from this tremendous workout, we both dove into the pool and swam several laps.

We noticed by the pool clock that it was now past 11:45 P.M. and probably our parents would be wondering where we wqere so late, so we went into the showers to clean up. While there, in the cold water, he got another hard on, and told me that he just had to have me again, and so he straddled me from the back and we did it doggie style, which felt even better, and once again, he filled me with so much of his beautiful white juice, that it came running down my leg. But, the shower soon took care of washing all of it down the drain.

We then toweled off and locked up the pool and walked home, with his arm around my should all the way, fondling my breasts.

There were many more sessions like that during the remainder of the Summer, and also several times in his house, when his parents weren’t home.

After that, we started riding to college together in one of his parents’ SUVs, and sometimes, after school, we’d find a secluded spot on the way home, and fuck our brains out. I couldn’t get enough of that beautiful cock inside my body.

It was not long before I soon discovered I was pregnant. This was when I was 20 years old. We had been very luck up to that point, but the law of averages finally kicks in. Once we found this out, we decided to tell our parents that we wanted to get married. His parents had no problem with it, but my parents, even though they were quite broad-minded and not racially prejudice, were a liite apprehensive at first. But, they soon came around.

We were married in a beautiful church wedding, and honeymooned in Hawaii. While there for ten days, I think we fucked several times a day, and in every place imagineable — on the beach at night, in our room during the day, and even in a small grotto on one of the islands.

7 months later I gave birth to twins — a little boy and a little girl — the boy is quite brown like his Dad and the girl is a little lighter like me.

Even though the twins are somewhat of a chore to take care of, we still make time for lots of love-making. I still wear my bikini in the back yard by our pool and he still wears those beautiful tight-fitting “speedos.” And at night, when the children are sleeping, he rolls down his suit to reveal that great 9″ work of art and I take ogff my top and bottoms and we re-enact that night at the neighborhood pool. It is simply fantastic to have him iside me,filling me with at beautiful white love juice. I just love it.

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