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Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: room
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

it happened that night where he told me to come over to watch a dvd with him. somehow i just knew that he wanted sex. well, i had been thinking about having sex with him for along time and was still undecided but decided to go for it. at first we were just spooning for awhile when i turned around to face him and we started kissing and he got really hard. i said to him ‘ i know you just want to fuck me’ and he said’ how do you know?’ and he asked me if he could lick my nipple and i agreed. then his hand started rubbing my pussy and he pulled way my pants and panties at the same time. he spread my legs and put his head between my legs and starting licking my clit. it was the best ever and went on for a long time. he was such an expert and he such staminar. then i said’you can fuck me but please be gentle’ and he went and put on a condom. at first he was really nervous, since he was so big and i’m so little. he kept slipping out of me and when he finally started to push in,it hurt and felt like a burning pain inside me. and he knew exactly what i felt. and he said’ this one’s gonna hurt’ and thrusted hard inside me, and he told me to relax. then asked me to get on top of him and that didnt hurt so bad. but he came real quickly and he pulled out of me. i bled alot since i was a virgin but didnt regret it. we had sex again few nights later and i enjoyed it more this time.

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