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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my back yard
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

hi here i go with my first time yes thats right first my name is freddy and i have a rather unusually large cock i was sitting in my house one day when i seen this fat chick walking up the road and i said hello she said hi she has lived up the road for a WHILE she looks kinda good for A RATHER BIG GIRL we talked for about a half hour then she asked me if i was a virgun i said no she said i was kinda horny i said me too so she started to take her shirt off and she had hair under her arms it was a big turn off dhe said she forgot to shave well anyway i was hornier than a tode so i said ok she started giving me head and sucking on it she did that for about 3min then i ate her out and it tasted like sewage this bitch never took a bath well anyway i kept going and i slipped my dick in she let out a scream from hell then i started going faster and harder after about 20 min of hot stinky sex i cummed all up in her we stopped and 3 months later she got preagnant crazy huh that was my first time hope u enjoyed

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