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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: My bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I graduated from high school in the summer before it happened. I met Kate through a mutal freind(actually, she was dating him)and I thought nothing of our meeting except that I thought she was hot. I was hard pressed to get laid. All my friends were doing it or had been doing it for awhile. Kate and I ran into each other periodically over the next 8 months and nothing evere came of it. Until she showed up one night the wek before New Year’s. I was at a freind’s place when she showed. We got to talking and I told her about a party I was having at my house for the New Year. I invited her and she said she’d think about it. I was stoked. To think, I might not have to wack off for a while!
The night of reckoning. All my freinds were already there when Kate arrived at 10PM. We talked and hung out together, but pretty much I didn’t pay that much attention to her because I was hosting my party. At the time, i was in a band and we had planned to do a couple of songs in ym garage. I was still living at home, so all my parent’s friends were there to. All inall, there were about 75 people at the house for the celebration that year. after we had done our songs, everyone went inside to get their champange to toast in the new year(92). My mom had mistle toe hanging above the door betwwen the garage and den where we were to do the count down. As Kate entered the door, I grabbed her, turned her around, and kissed her. This marking the beginning of the end of my sexless life. My father saw what happened and he was quite inmpressed with me that night.
After we rang in the new year, my dad and some of his friends thought it would be funny to throw me in the pool. It was 36 degrees that night, so you can imagine the shrivel factor. After I got out of the pool, I went and changed. The party began to wind down and my friends all began their exodus home. Kate and I eneded up in my room, talking at first and then eventually making out. Before the heavy petting could any further, though, my mom and sveral others, to include some friends of mine, rushed the room and started snapping pictures. Luckily, we were both still dressed. Kate ended up having to leave shortly there after.
Not to worry, our hero hasn’t been foiled yet. She returned the next afternoon and her and I, along with my buddy and his girl, went to the beach.(I lived in Florida at the time.)We walked and talked and decided that we were what each other wanted. So we made it offical on the First Day of ’92. Three days later, I would be a virgin no more.
I went back to work on the 2nd(a Thursday) and after work her and I went out but not much happened. Friday rolled around and I went to watch her at a high school chior recital in Tampa. I ended up sitting right next to her mom and not knowing it until have way though the show when we both pointed out who we were there to see. Turned out to be pretty funny that the we pointed out the same girl. After the show, we all went out to dinner and then Kate took me home(I didn’t have a car at the time). Saturday. A great day in my life. Kate arrived at my house early afternoon and her and I went out and and did your typical BF/GF thing. We ended up back at my place and my folks were getting ready to go out. thay left at around 8PM, which left Kate and I home alone. We talked a little, and then starting making out in the living room. We made our way back to my room whre things continued. after making out, fondling, sucking, and touching, she told me that it was time. i told her that this would be my first. she didn’t believe me right off the bat, but I swore to her that it was. We got undressed the rest of the way, I got on top, she guided me in to home, and BOOM, I was finished. An unbeilevable feeling. But, I didn’t want to go out that way, so I kept on going without letting on that I already came. 22 minutes later(she timed it by looking at the clock)I came again. She couldn’t believe I lasted as long as I did on my first time. I then told her that I came twice. We laughed about it and then cuddled the rest of the evening before she had to leave.
And that’s my story. Russ

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