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Age when it happend: 24
Where it happened: hotel
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I was 24 and in grad school. I was just extremely shy around girls and never really could get anything going. I had gone to a massage parlor before to get a “happy ending,” but never anything more.
One of the girls in my class simply would not leave me alone. She had a boyfriend and a kid, so I didn’t want to get mixed up in that. She broke up with him one day and asked me for a ride home. After I got her home, we sat in the parking lot of her apartment complex talking for a long time (she was living with her mother). She started kissing me and I put her hand on my hard crotch. I then told her I was still a virgin. We then made a date for that weekend.
After the dinner and a movie we started making out and I asked her if she would like to get a hotel room. She agreed.
When we got in the room we stripped off out clothes and got on the bed. I started off by kissing her and then went down to suck on her nipples. The I want all the way down on her. Then she put a condom on me and I climbed on top of and inside her. I would up with scratches on me back from her nails.
Afterwards, she got back with her boyfriend and denied ever having gone out with me. At the time I was upset, though looking back I realize I should have taken much more advantage of the situation.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience