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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Tennis Recruiting Visit
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

There I was, on a recruiting trip to a small D3 school in Memphis, Tennessee, and the guys took me out and got me drunk. Well, I went back to the guy’s room I was staying in and fell asleep. But my “roommate” came and woke my up, told me to get out (2 in the morning), because he brought back a chick. I take off and I am walking around and I see a girl. She asks if I want to come back to her room, because she had seen me at a party earlier. I went, not knowing anything would happen.

So we get back to her room, and she starts eating my face. I am drunk, so whatever. Then, she asks if I want to have sex. (Side note: She thought I was 23…. she was 22… which means it was statutory rape technically) I say yea. So she reaches under her bed and pulls out a giant box of condoms that is half full, and I put it on and we go at it. It was pretty boring, but she had a nice body so I just concentrated on that. I got off, and she wanted to sleep, so we slept together naked, and I woke up at 8 in the morning and left. I never knew her name… I think it was Hannah.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience