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Ryan and Me. . . .

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

ok, i had been dating this guy for a year, and he was 19 when i was 18. and my parents were o.k. with that. We even won for cutest couple at my school. our parents knew eachother from church and they were totally ok with the relationship. one night, he asked me if we could go farther in our relationship, and i said how far, and he said all the way. i didn’t want to loose him, so i said ok. my parents were out of town, so i said how about my place. he said ok. i really wasn’t into it when he first started. so when he stuck it in, it was as dry as the saraha desert. and then the second time, i was into it, i felt so bad cause he knew that i wan’t having fun, that i tried to make it look like i was having fun. i am not going to say that he was the best lover, but he was a great kisser, and i still love him to this day….
I LoVe YoU RyAn!

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