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Age when it happend: 24
Where it happened: his "residence"
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was Friday, June 29, 2007. It was very hot and I spent the entire day moving stuff out of my apartment. The next day I was leaving town! My mom, dad, and my best friend, “L” came to help me pack the trailer. When we were done, my parents were goig to get together with some of their friends and I was going to have a farewell dinner with some of my friends. L and I had no time to change or shower so we just went out the way we were: in the same clothes we had been wearing all day and by then we were all smelly and gross. I didn’t care. I was leaving the next day. I knew my friends didn’t care. The friends that I was meeting were all bringing their…husbands. L and I grew up in a very small town in South Dakota and even though we went to colleges in different towns we kept in touch. Her 1st time happened during college and now that I was 2 years out of college and STILL A VIRGIN she was starting to get a little worried about me. My married friends aren’t really into going out to the bar much anymore so L called a single girl friend of hers to go out to the bar with us. We went to my favorite bar: Bucks. (sounds like a GREAT place to pick up guys right?) While L and E were ordering shots I began imitating a guy down the bar. I was wearing a visor (to cover my messy “I’ve been moving all day and just don’t care anymore” bun) so I cocked it to the side like he had his. He saw me so I gave him the “sup?” nod. Well whadday know him and his friends came over to us and we entertained each other on the dance floor for the rest of the night! Some weekends when I would go there with my friends and acctually TRY to look nice I would end up dancing by myself the entire night. The night I look like crap and I am not expecting ANYTHING is the time I acctally get some! Wow! Anyway…E was our DD and of course the guys asked if we could give them and thier friends a ride home…so 7 people packed into her tiny little car (including some guy in the trunk). I was convinced we were going to get pulled over. Wouldn’t you know this guy, “J” I shall call him, and his two roomies LIVED IN A TRAILER PARK!!! But I was drunk and didn’t care (he as going to college to become a nurse. I have a thing for male nurses). E had to work the next day so she left (plus the guy she would have hooked up with passed out cold in his bedroom right after we got there), L and her guy got the livingroom while J and I went to his bed room. Supposedly he was a virgin too. Yeah right! Isn’t that what they all say? (he unhooked my bra strap WAY too fast to be a virgin) So we are trying to get it on when his buddy from the living room walks in! “Dude, ya got an extra condom?” “NO Dumbass! get out of here!!!” (We were using protection but weren’t going to stop what we were doing because this idiot was not prepared!) I almost believe that it WAS his 1st time too because he was really sloppy and didn’t have lubricant of any kind so things didn’t move as smoothly as they should have. After what seemed like WAY TOO LONG I gave up. He was too big for my 1st time!! They should warn you about these things!!! I was too dry and we had no lubricant and it felt like there was a brick wall inside me preventing him from going anywhere. I eventually gave up. In my drunken state I had decided that I had waited too long and my cherry was no longer popable. (I changed my mind the next day when I started bleeding. When I got back to my apt. I had to go dig my pad supply out of the moving truck.) The next morning I leaned over to collect my clothes and his puppy was in the process of shredding my undies. The used condom was inside out and on top of my shirt so I stole one of his. A white and blue polo shirt from Old Navy! (My consolation prize for sneaking up behind my virginity and pushing it off of a cliff! I am glad I got rid of it. L said I was practically a time bomb. L and I snuck out while the guys were still sleeping and took a taxi back to my apt. My biggest regret of the experience was that I forgot my favorite visor at his place. I’m glad he doesn’t have my phone number.
L had an an exciting experience during my painful one. She said she would sleep with “Clerks Guy” but only if he had a condom. L used up her “one night stand card” for me!!! Isn’t that sweet? She said they would just have to snuggle if he couldn’t find one. He grabbed a set of keys off the table and said they would go buy some. They spent the next 5 minutes figuring out which car outside the set of keys belonged to, and the next hour after that trying to figure out which trailer belonged to J. They finally started at one end just to find the one with the unlocked door. L coudn’t get herself in the mood because in the dark the guy she was with sounded just like Jay (as in Jay and Silent Bob) hence “Clerks guy.” So thats who she pictured was on top of her.

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