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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: in my room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I remember it with the most peculiar mixture of clarity and
confusion-the night I made love to my crazy, beautiful,
bisexual best friend.

Her family is one of the strangest I’ve ever encountered.
Her parents are seperated, but her dad still lives in the
basement and cries when her mother brings her boyfriends
home. Suffice to say, there is a lot of pain in that
household, and I often invited Erin to spend the night at
my house and escape the conflict.

That night, I lent Erin a tank top and pair of pyjama pants, and we
climbed into my twin bed. It was a warm summer night, and I
drifted off to sleep with the sound of the window fan in the
back of my ears.

I awoke in the early hours of the morning to the sound of
Erin sobbing quietly beside me. The pain and despair she
radiated was almost palpable, and it nearly broke my heart.
I moved toward her and put an arm around her, brushing her
fine blonde hair out of her sticky, streaming eyes. She
rolled over and crushed her face into my collarbone, sobbing
inconsolably. I held her close and rocked her gently until
her tears abated.

After a while, she started talking softly, her voice nearly
indistinguishable from the sound of the window fan and the
crickets outside. I wasn’t sure if she was whispering to
me or to herself, and I guess it didn’t matter. I held
her close as she disclosed how alone she felt, how heartbroken,
how nobody ever touched her or held her when she cried.
Meaning to comfort her, I slid my other arm underneath her
and started rubbing her tummy, my fingers straying lightly
over the fabric of her shirt, from her hipbones to the
elastic of her sports bra. I harbored no sexual intentions
-the thought hadn’t crossed my mind-so I was very surprised
when she rolled toward me and started kissing my face and
neck, breathing softly between little fluttery touches of
her lips.

Although I had only been with boys until this encounter, I
believed I was bisexual. I thought that being touched by
someone you loved should be arousing and fulfilling,
regardless of gender. As Erin stroked my face and neck
and kissed me deeply, nibbling gently at my lips, I wondered
why I felt no sexual response. She was clearly a much better
kisser than my boyfriend at the time…who would have given
his right arm to be in on this action!

I moved Erin’s hands to my breasts and worked my fingers
under the tight elastic of her sports bra. Her breasts were
small and sensitive, with hard nipples that responded
instantly to my touch. I let my hands play over her chest,
tickling, caressing and squeezing gently, as Erin moaned
softly. Oh, how I wished she could give me the same pleasure
I was so obviously giving her! I loved her and longed to
respond to her expert touches, but my body refused to
cooperate. I decided to finish the encounter and give her
all the pleasure I could and deal with my own confused
feelings at a later time.

I pushed up her bra and tank top and kissed a trail down her
neck. When my lips met with her erect nipple, she arched
her back and whispered, “Ohhhhhhhh, yes…” I gently teased
her breasts with my lips and tongue until she murmered,
“Harder…do it harder…” I sucked and nibbled at one nipple
as I squeezed the other with my fingertips as she wrapped her
legs around my waist and moaned in ecstacy.

As I moved my kisses back to her mouth, she rolled over on
top of me. Her crotch moved rhythmically against my upper
thigh, and although I could feel no answering sensation, I
was happy I could give her such pleasure. Gradually, her
moans quieted and she relaxed into my arms, slowly drifting
off to sleep.

Thankfully, our friendship was strong enough to endure that
one sexual encounter, and we remain extremely close. I
suppose I will always regret my inability to share a sexual
relationship with Erin, with whom I was compatible in
every other way.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience