Where it happened: my car
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Okay it was me and my bf at the time, we went to the movies. I wasnt expecting anything to happen. Bc I was only dating him for a few weeks and really wasnt sexualy atracted to him…or so I thought, right when the movie started he begian kissing me and touching my breasts and I was rubbing his dick, but from the outside of his pants. I told him that I was a virgin beforehand but I really wanted to fuck him at the time, anyways then he slides his hand down my jeans, begians rubbing my clit and fingering me…by this time I have his pants unziped and stroking his dick….
Halfway through the movie we decide to go to my car and have sex bc there was a cop in the theater. And neither one of us wanted to get introble we didnt realize he was sitting right behind us. (it was kinda funny) When we get to my car I atomatically take off his jeans and give him head he came in my my mouth and I swallowed his cum. Then hes rubbing,licking and kissing my breasts and then he lays me down in the back seat and fucks me it hurt so bad but I didnt tell him that. I bled a little bit but didnt realize it til I looked at my seat and saw the spot. I was worried bc we didnt use a condom or anything.
But the sad part is I realized he just wanted sex and that was the last time I ever saw him. He called me a few more times but all of a sudden he stoped talking to me. Every time I would call he would ignore it or get one of his friends to answer and say he wasnt around but I could hear him in the background. I was stupid for giving it up and I regret it now so dont be stupid like me plz…..it was good sex tho.