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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

It was this guy that i really loved. one day i went to his house with no intention of having sex for the first time. we were watching tv, then we started kissing. he put his hand up my shirt, i was uncomfortable at first but after a few minutes i kinda liked it. things started to get a little intense and next thing i knew, we both had no shirt or pants on (still had underwear and a bra on) … he smoothly slipped my underwear off and said, are you ok? i said yea. he said, do you really want to do this, we can stop if you want? i said, no keep going, its ok. we made love for the first time in our lives. it felt amazing. were still together and were the best of frieds. hes my forever <3

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