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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: woods
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

Well it all started when she asked me to dance. We were
together almost the whole night. We weren’t doing much just
fooling around, kissing and stuff. I was just having fun,
I didn’t think to much about that happening. Well we went
out side just to get some air and she started kissing me and
before I knew it we were half naked, well at least she was
I was just fooling around even then I didn’t think that it would
come to doing it. Well it got more intense as we went on.
I didn’t really care about doing it or not. It was just then
starting to relize what was happening, it wasn’t long after
she was starting to help me off with my clothes. Being young
and horney I just went along with her. I think she thought that
this was going to a long time thing, but I was about to have sex for the
first time and I wasn’t in any mood to say no. Well anyway
she started to give me head for about twenty minutes and it felt so good.
We after that she asked me if I wanted to fuck her and I said well sure.
I was just lucky that my friend had something on him (a condom).
Well we fucked for a good hour at least. I would have to say I have had
better. Well for a first time I can’t complain. Well that’s my story
and if you are wondering I don’t regret it at all and if your out there
I would mine seeing you again.

Later lot 7/41
Campinn on the lake!

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