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Sara Olson

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Church sleep over
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was in Joliet Il. My step father was a Lutheran Min. I was adopted by this family. At any rate we always had church sleep overs, for the teen club. well I had my boyfriend stay at one of them, he was 18 yrs old and I was 14, almost 15. Well the girls and the boy had to sleep in different areas of course. So he snuck in with me at like 2 in the morning, and get in my sleeping bag with me, I had my best friend right next to me, sleeping, her name was machelle. any way we got going hot and heave, tring not to wake anyone else.He asked if I wanted to have sex i told him yes, I just want t o get it over with , take my virginity. Well he tok a while to penatrate me, and it hurt like hell, it took everything i had to hold back screaming. Well he pounded and pounded I dont know how no one wokw up to hear or see us. t was about 15 20 min, and he let lose, i was releaved that we were done, and no one woke up. We did not use a condom or anything, he cam inside my virgin pussy. He got up and went back to his room, for the rest of the night, and we never id it again. I bled for 2 3 days and could not walk very well, but it did not take me long to find a good man. He was my Big Joe, we had sex ever chance we got. I wish I could have lost it to Joe, he was great.

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