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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Big pool/sleepover party
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was at a friends house (a boy’s). We were playing the bottle before we got in the pool so everyone had their bathing suits on. The guy who owned the house was from a rich family and was old enough to have his own house, so he did and we had no parents to bother us.
We were on the last round of spin the bottle and they made it that people picked would have to be in there for 30 min before they went in the pool. My crush, Micky, spun. It landed on me. He had a smile on his face so that was a good sign. They gave us some books and games and locked us in the closet. “I sit on this side you stay on yours” I said. He did, for a while.
After five minutes, he came over and said, “Stand up.”, so I did then he started kissing me. He told me he loved me and I said I loved him. After that we continued kissing. He pushed me against the wall and tugged at the back of my bikini top, asking to take it off. I nodded yes and he undid it. We were still kissing when he laid me on the floor. I tugged at his swim trunks and nodded. I slipped them off and saw his beautiful dick. He started kissing down my body. I kept moaning in pleasure. He pulled my bikini bottoms down and started licking my clit. He placed me on a book shelf and started rubbing his dick around my clit, teasing me. I was pretty wet by then. He started sucking on my boobs then suprised me by entering me. He came out then kneeled me on the floor and came from behind. He started fucking me, then went faster and faster.
We fucked for five minutes then laid on the floor with our head at th others feet. I sucked his dick while he liked out my pussy. Then we stood up and he entered me in front and fucked me while we were making out. Someone came to the door and said we could get in the pool now. We put our bathing suits on and got in the pool. No one suspected a thing.
Me and Mickey are still dating and having awesome sex.

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