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Save The Drive-Ins!!

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Car-back seat
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

Out here in the “boonies” in Idaho, I think we have one of the last few drive-in theaters in the U.S. I think they ought to save as many of them as possible, because they are a great place to fuck! I fucked my girl-friend, Tess, there for the first time last year, and I think well over half the cars in there are used for this purpose. I know that every time I go to the concession stand for pop corn or candy, I see at least a half-dozen young people making out in either the front or back seat, and they don’t seem to mind if you stop and watch a bit.A lot of the movies they show are geared to sexual activity.Most of them are “R” rated with plenty of sex and skin.I’ve heard that most of them in the U.S. are closed now, but I’m glad we still have one near our house here in Idaho. Otherwise, we’d have a tough time find a place to fuck.

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