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School Rocks

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Classroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well i was in my last year of high school and life couldn’t have been better, so i thought. But one day it took a turn to the sexual side. I was just finishing a project that had to be handed in to my media teacher, this meant i had to stay after school, i didn’t want to because all my friends were out and having fun, while i was slaving away.

As i worked on, i was thinking “should i bale out of here and go”. So as i was packing my stuff away, a girl, Nicole walked in. Nicole sat next to me in my media class and oh boy was she fine. She was perfect, perfect body, perfect legs, perfect boobs. She was a gift from heaven. I never learnt anything in media because i couldn’t stop staring at Nicole. But when she came into the class room she wasn’t very happy, so i went over to her and said “whats up Nicole”. “Ahhhh you know….” then she started crying. I comforted her for about an hour and then she said “thanks Sean, i really appreciate your help”. I smiled and then she walked out of the class room. So as i was doing before i gathered my things and left the class room.

Then from out of nowhere Nicole grabbed my and said “shhhh, follow me”, she took my hand and i followed her to a room with a comfy sofa in it. Nicole threw me against the wall and put a chair against the door. “Nicole what are you doing ?” i said. She replied with the words “fuck me”. I was shocked “WHAT ?!” i said. “You heard fuck me good and hard”. Nicole started to strip me and herself down, i couldn’t stop her, i was still in shock, all i could do was admire her angel like body as she stripped down to her black lace bra and panties. My eyes couldn’t believe it. I could feel myself getting rock solid.

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