Well, It all starts out that my frist was with my Best Friend. Her name was, well lets call her Goat. Well we decided to go to the zoo one evening and see what animals they had this time. Well we were just walking around and I felt as if I was falling for my best friend of 4 years. She was so beautiful. I mean Blue gray eyes, tan, athletic, loved music and was in a band as I was. She was walking infront of me , as if she was running to catch the seal show. She had her magical eyes looking directly at the seals. I could tell, today was going to be a magical day. We were both flirting back and forth. We have always had something for eachother. Then we started to hold ands. We both could tell we wanted something more. We went where the Monkeys were, which is inside of this little cave thingie. We sat there all alone, no one around us and we started to kiss slowly, then all of a sudden I was on top of her kissing her madly. We were both fondeling eachother and kissing eachother and doing alot of petting.
I looked at her and she looked so ready, so I thought I would finger her a bit since no one was around. OH BOY, was she wet. She was dripping so much that I decided to go full speed. I took my pants off and she said “NO Not yet”, I said ok and I sat there. She got on her knees and sucked my cock with her teeth also giving me a massage. Oh let me tell you this, this was the best fucking blow job I ever got. I finally blowed my load after about 8 minutes. She swallowed every bit. I felt so good. They she said “Fuck me now and Hard”!, I was so not going to argue, I sliped insdie her wet fucking pussy. It felt so warm. We fucked so hard right there, I was suprised no one came to the cave while she was screaming. I could see the monkeys actually looking at us. Then she flipped over, I was fucking her so hard that she was screaming so loud and my balls were hitting her ass that it left a little red mark on her ass. Then she got up after a while and let me fuck her tits, oh this was life. There I was, fucking her tits and getting head at the same time. It was so fucking great. Then she started to ride me forever, harder and harder me moaning and her screaming. Then I blew my load inside of her. OH, let me tell you, that was the way to go!. My first time, in front of the monkeys. Funny thing is, while we were leaving, we saw a couple that were fucking as well, yes they were monkeys!. I guess they enjoyment spread!