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Seduced by my Savior

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: In his car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

How it hapened that I had my first time was that I was a cheer leader, well I still am one, and we were practising in the girls gym and some of the boys on the basketball team who had just finished practising came in to watch us and they were making remarks like who had nice tits and who had a great ass and that kind of stuff which we didnt care for but we tried to ignore them.
Then when we finished and were wiping our selfs off with towels one of the players, he is our star and is quite big, called to me to come over to him. So I did and he said ‘Hi kid, this is your lucky day, I been lookin you girls over and you are the one I desided to make love to.’ I said what do you mean? and he said you are the lucky girl I have pickd to be my partner in the great game of sex. You will get to feel my great love organ and know the rapture of having it in you giving you orgasm after orgasm. I said oh no, I dont think so and he said whats the matter are you a virgin? and I said yes but its none of your business. So then he put his hands on my sholders and said come on kid, dont fight it, you will love it and I tried to pull away and he hugged me tight to him. Then another player named Charlie came over and said come on, Biff, leave the kid alone. Biff said why shoud I and Charlie said because she askd you to and also if you dont I will have to lay some punches on you. Biff said oh, you think you can? and Charlie said I know you can lick me, but not before I land some good punches and maybe mess your face up a little. So Biff said Oh shit, go on, kid, your not worth getting in a fight with my good pal Charlie for. So he let me go and Charlie took my hand and we walked away and I said Thank you for rescuing me and he said I’m glad I could, but dont think too bad of Biff, hes not really a bad guy. Then he askd if I could use a ride home and I usually walk because its only six blocks but I said yes that wood be nice. So we got in his car and he said how about if we go get a coke first or maybe a milk shake and I said that wood be nice.
So we went to this drive thru and he said how about a burger as well and I said sure so he orderd two cheeseburgers and two chocolate shakes and then he said I know a nice quiet place where we can eat these. He drove to this place thats kind of up in the hills a ways and he went on this dirt road that you cant hardly see and we went thru a fence that had a gate he opened and then drove up to this pretty grove of trees where there was a lovely view of the valley down below.
We sat there eating our burgers and shakes and talking and he asked me a lot about what classes I was in and what I like to do and like that and if I had any brothers or sisters, I have one younger brother, and how did I get along with my parents and I said fine, there real nice.
We finishd eating and he put his arm around me and said your an awfully sweet girl may I kiss you? and I said Yes because I was getting to really like him, and he kissed me real gentily and it felt real good and then he kissed me harder and I found I was liking it and then he put his hands inside my blouse and felt my breasts and said such a lovely girl, so sweet and then he kissed my neck and then opened my blouse and pulld my braseer down below my breasts and kissed them. And I knew I shood tell him to stop but it felt so good and I liked him so much. Then he was licking and sucking my breasts and I felt them getting round and hard.
Next thing, he stopped and said look at me, I got you away from one guy who wanted to seduce you and hear I am doing the same damm thing.
I said but its all right because I didnt like him but I like you. And he said and I like you, very very much. And then he had his hands down under my skirt going up to my panties and next thing I knew he was pulling them down and I knew I shood tell him to stop but I didnt want to.
Then he pushed a buton that made the seat go all the way back so we were almost lying down and he was kissing my vagina and putting his fingers in it and making me get all wet down there. He said Darling girl I know I am being a real jerk doing this but Ive just got to have you, so if you want me to stop you have to tell me so rite now and I will, but I hope you wont tell me that.
I said no, dont stop, this feels so wonderful, it is the best feeling I have ever had.
So then he opened his pants and took out his penis and I was really a little scared when I saw it because it looked so big. He said Just happen to have one of these and took something out of his pocket, a kind of rubber tube, and put it on his penis. He had me spread my legs apart and pull my knees up by my head and then he began insurting his penis into my vagina. My vagina was quite tight and he had to work hard getting it in but he managed it. It hurt a little but not much and it felt so good I was glad when he kept putting it in farther and farther. I felt something kind of tare and this hurt some but not dredfully. I askd him Was that my hymen breaking? and he said yes honey, you are not a virgin any more. I said but I thot it was suposed to hurt terribly and he said maybe with some girls it does, but lets be glad it didnt with you.
Then he was all the way in, filling me with his beautiful penis. He began stroking it in and out, in and out, each stroke filling me with great pleasure. I said Oh yes, oh yes, oh this feels so good, and he kept on and it felt better and better and I was going ooh ooh ooh. Then he said Im going to come and he started going harder and faster and I got more and more excited and then I had what I gessed was my orgasm and it was just as wonderful as I had hoped it might be, and he came inside that rubber tube and said Oh boy, honey that was great.
We layed there for a while hugging and kissing then he said Ive got to get you home. He had a towel in the car and he helped me wipe myself off, I had a little blood from my hymen but not much. Then he straightened up the seat and I got my pants and braseer back on and buttoned myself up.
Then Charlie said Honey Ive got to tell you something. That seen back in the gym where it looked like I was rescuing you from Biff, that was all a setup. We aranged it that he wood by giving you a bad time and I wood come to your rescue and this wood make you grateful to me and give me a chanse to seduce you. And it worked.
But honey, now Ive got to say that I really do like you a whole lot,you are awfuly sweet and nice and I like you for that and not just because you let me have sex with you.
So will you forgive me for taking advantage of you, and do you think we can still be friends.
I said I forgive you and I thank you for the most wonderful experience I have ever had, and yes, we can be friends.
That was last year and we still are good friends. VERY good friends.

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