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Seeing A Boy Cum

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: girlfriend's house
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I was 16 at the time and over at Tammy’s house. She was my girlfriend and was 18 years old. We were talking and our conversation eventually turned to boys and then this soon turned to sex. Of course, the center of our talk was about that thing between there legs. I’d never seen a big one before but was getting the age I was wanting to see one. My experience with penises was when I’d changed diapers on babies and little boys. Tammy had a boyfriend name Troy and she was telling me about giving hand jobs to Troy and about seeing him cum and what it was like. I was dying to see this. She also told me about how big his penis got and what it felt like. The more Tammy said, the more I was wanting to experience seeing a boy’s “tool” and cum.

Then, Tammy’s boyfriend, Troy, showed up. Tammy greeted him and he came in. We all talked for awhile and then Tammy said “I have an idea”. She whispered something in Troy’s ear and Troy got a big smile on his face. He whispered something back to Tammy and both were smileing ear to ear. I was wondering what was going on. Then, Tammy told me. She said “You were wondering about what a big boy’s penis looked like and how they shoot off and what cum looks like. You still want to see it”? My mouth fell to the floor when Tammy said all this and I just stood there looking at her. Tammy then asked “Well, do you”? I asked “Why; what are you getting at”? Tammy said “Troy’s here and certainly willing. You know; a hand job we were talking about. Want to see everything”?

I never answered. I wanted to but didn’t want to openly admit that I did. Ended up I didn’t have to say anything. Tammy and Troy were setting on the sofa and Tammy then reached over and started rubbing on Troy’s genitals through his pants. It was easy to see that Troy was already hard and ready. Tammy then undid his belt and pants and pulled them down. There it was. I was seeing my first big, hard, erect penis. It looked so big. Tammy then went to her room and came out with some lotion and a wash cloth. She then poured the lotion on her hand and wrapped it around Troy’s dick. Tammy explained “Here’s how you give a boy a hand job” as she started stroking it up and down. Before long, Troy streatched out and laid back on the sofa and started making some “Aaahhh” sounds as Tammy stroked him. After a couple of minutes, Troy then went to thrusting his hips some and he said “Oh Tammy. I’m about to cum. Oh Tammy, oh Tammy” and he let out a loud grown and Tammy told me to watch his dick. “He’d about to cum” she yelled. And, did he ever! A long stream of the white stuff shot out and then another and another. So, this is how it looks seeing a boy cum and seeing what it looks like. Tammy told me to come over and feel it. I did and Tammy put some of the stuff on my hand. I could also smell it.

Well, I got to see it. It wasn’t long and I put to use what Tammy had showed me when I jack off my first boy. This is a story of its own.

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