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Series of Fortunate events

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Backseat of '78 LeMans
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

Well, it was a backseat of a car first time. Some things had happened that led up to this event. He got kicked out of his grandmothers house where he lived because a so called “friend” thought it would be funny to steal from his cash drawer at the restaurant that he worked at. I later found out that he really did it as a joke. Then he had no place to stay, my mom being the kind genorous soul that she is let him stay at our house. He was an emotional wreck at that point because no one believed him, he had no place to live, and I was about to break up with him for what I thought he did. So we went for a drive in his car because I really needed to talk to him. He had lied to me before, one was about him being a virgin, and I didn’t believe him. We talked for about 2 hours and listened to Stone Temple Pilots for about an hour. Then I finally looked at him and said I believe you. We kissed and made up, I realized how much he loved me. We had almost done it in the woods across the street from my house, but I chickened out. Then that night I finally said that I wanted to. It was very gentle and sweet. Not very romantic I’ll say, or orgasmic, but there was a lot of love passed between us that night. I don’t regret it and I know that we both loved each other. Since he drove me to school every day, I would wake him up every morning with a BJ or we would fuck.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience