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Sex and Candy

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

well my first time was with a guy so i’ll tell about my first time with a gal.
Jane my best friend came to spend a week at my house since her parents were away, and i didn’t mind the company.
We had never been intimate before our magically night when my parents went out to dinner.
We were in the kitchen, baking a cake ,and we began sucking each others fingers, then i asked Jane if she had ever kissed a girl,
he answer was “no”. It was really hot and the temperature was warmer in the kitchen, i couldn’t help but stare at her butt, she was wearing a really tight shorts and a tight top, showing off her well rounded breasts.
Well i’m not sure if it was the heat, i went over to Jane and started kissing her, she didn’t resist, she was unbuttoning my shirt, while my hands were all over her tight ass.
Well we would have gone further, but we relaised that it was wrong and we might get caught.
We didn’t talk much for the evening.
We were watching tv later that night, and my parents were gone.
then i was so unaware, she came on to me, and started kissing me.
i enjoyed it alot. then she started unbuttoning my shirt, and touchinng my breasts in the best way i’ve ever had. before we knew it we were lying on
the ground naked and our hands were everywhere. we played for about 2 hours and occasionally we still have sex, we are still best friends.

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