Where it happened: School, Home, Wherever
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Hi. I’m Phil. I’m 28 and teach Sex Education here at a high school in Southern California. My majors in college were physiology, biology and anatomy. I minored in psychology. I know a lot about the human body — and mind — and what makes it tick. In addition to my classroom instruction, I give private instruction on sexual techniques in my whom. I try to instill in my students the fact that sex is the most powerful force on earth and also the most beautiful thing that God has given each of us.
Many of the girls in the past two years that I’ve had this position, have come onto me pretty strongly. I don’t discourage that.It’s part of their psyche, and I understand it.
I’ve probably had sex with 40-50 high school girls here at home, and in my car — since I started teaching. I practice safe sex with all of them, but enjoy their bodies fully, as much as they enjoy mine.
I also teach the young gays in my class to enjoy their sexual identity. One young fellow, Kevin D., in particular, had some problems which I helped him work through, by having weekly sessions at my home,where he learned to be comfortable with his all-male nature.
Sex is a natural part of life and we should all learn to enjoy it while we can — to its fullest. Its pleasurable and fulfilling and we should not be ashamed to express ourselves to the fullest.