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Sex is GREAT

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: My Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

As I read this letters of people and thir first time,
it is hard not to really place people into 3 categories:

1. People that tell what their fantacy is.
( So, they wish this happend to them )
2. People who tell the truth and are very conservative about
( Not having sex until they are married )
3. Very liberal people who think that sex is great as long
as you don’t hurt the other person ( and I don’t mean in
the process ).

Anyway, what do I think about sex. Well, I look at it as a
very basic biological thing. So, what do our bodies tell us
when we are 14…and later…we have this fellings of
wanting to have sex. Now, males are “programmed” to have
sex with as many females that they can get their hand on.
Females, on the other hand, are really stuck with the sperm
and the egg inside them, and they have to carry the baby
for 9 months. So, they can’t just go out and have sex with
everyone they meet.
What does sex have to do with marrage? NOTHING!!
Marrage was invented by humans long time ago because of many
reasons that I am not going to go in right now.

But, anyway… story:

Well, is was a fall day some years ago and I was at school.
My friend(male) and I, were acting like usuall 15 year old boys
that day. We also had a friend(female), that we all 3 walked
back and forth to school and home every day. That day my
male friend and I were very horny and wanted to do something
that we have seen in a video, and we wanted to do it with the
female friend(15) that we had. So, that day before the school
ended we made a plan to somehow invite my female friend
to my house to watch the video and see what happenes.
So, it happend we were going home and I said something and she
agreed to it and we all ended up in my room. I started
playing the video that was very XXX hard core and it was
a video that had 2 guys and 1 girl in it. Most of you can
imagine what they we doing. So, we decited to do the same
thing the people on the video were doing.
First, we started touching each other, and then we started undressing
each other untill we were naked. Then, I took my female’s
legs and I spread them out while my freind was putting his
cock into her mouth. And, the all of the sudden it happend.
I had my cock inside her. It felt great. I have never felt
like that before. My female freind was also enjoying it wery much
because she was touching me and telling me not to stop because
it felt very good, so I did not stop. I could NOT stop.
It was GREAT…So, I was going and going for about one hour
while my freind took his cock out of her mouth after about
10 min. because he was going to cum and he had to finish
himself off. I guess he could not hold it anymore. So,
he came on her fase. I was still going and going at that time.
It felt so good that I could not stop. After about one hour,
it felt like I have exploded and then it was all over.
Well all looked at each other after and really did not say
much. Got dressed and my friends left.
Since then, I have had sex with other people, but for some
reason I don’t get the same felling that I got that fall day.
I mean it feels good, but the first time is the best time.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience