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Sex so intense

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: My house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So one day during summer vacation, my parents went out for a business trip, so i had the house to myself for a week. Now my gf, who lives across the street,had her parents out for a week also. I dont think it was a cowincedent. I think they just wanted so time away from us. So the next day, i had my best friend Tyler come over. know when we get the chance too, we go full out naked. giving eachother bjs and cumming, well im the only one who cummed. i blessed w/a massive dick for my age. 9.5 soft with 4 around, and 11.1 hard with 6.3 around. all i know is, my dick is massive compred to his little penis. soon we convinced his parents to let him stay the week at my house for compony. them on Wednsday Tyler had the life changing idea of having our gfs over. so, we called them over. my gf, Sarah, was there in 5 min. tylers took the most of an hour. so we sat down and started watching a movie. around midway through, i felt sarahs hand go down my pants and into my underwear then grab my dick. i went rock hard. she slipped her hand out and whispered find an excuse to take of all your clothes. so i slipped out of the room and turned of the ac and opened a couple of windows to make it hotter. so i came in and sat down, soon we were all sweating. we took our shirts off. now i was pretty well developed and muscular in this department too. i had pitt hairs, pecs, and a six pack. tyler, not so much. soon we were in our boxers. and the girls were in only their undergarments. so sarah and bella, tylers gf, gasp at my dick when they see it. then sarah says we should go skinny dipping in my pool. we didnt really swim though, we just made out in the water with our pubes getting entaglendd with eachother (we werent having sex yet). so after making out alot, we dried off and came inside. we then made out more she gave me bjs i licked her candy. soon we were in my room, and she i had sex. I fucked her so hard that she almost cried. it was amazing. to all u little dickers, ha!

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