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Sexy B*#tards

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: His kitchen
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So, I was at this pool party with my boyfriend. We were making out like nobody’s buisness and, with both our tounges stuck down each other’s throat’s, I could feel something poking me from beneath (may I mention I was sitting on his lap?). I pulled away from him and looked down. When I looked back up at him from his hard dick, he was smiling at me mischievously. I did the same to him, imagining what he could do to me in bed. It was making me so wet, and I was just wearing a bikini bottom. It seemed like he made up both of our minds. ‘Let’s go.’ He said, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around him waist which was making me wetter. So, he carried me to his kitchen and pulled the curtains closed. Then I removed his trunks and he removed my bikini top. Then he started sucking my nipples, which made me moan. I couldn’t imagine how loud I’d be when he was actually fucking me. Then out of nowhere, this insanely hot guy walks in and he’s like ‘Aw, damn. Gimme some.’ Shane (my bf) looked at me for approval and I nodded. So this hot guy I don’t even know starts sucking my nipples while Shane takes off my bikini bottoms. Then I took of (Let’s call the stranger Boy) Boy’s shorts to reveal his 7 inch Disco Stick. Shane lifted me up on the counter, and pushed my legs up and out. Then, they both started fingering me. I was moaning so loud I was sure someone was going to hear and come in. Then Shane made me give him a Blow Job, while I put on Boy’s condom. Then they switched, then the started fucking me… At the same time!!! I was screaming in pleasure while they went deeper amd harder. Then I had a giant orgasm and I screamed louder. They withdrew, and Shane lay on the counter while Boy lifted me onto Shane. Then I started bouncing which was completely different to before. Whole I had sex with Shane, Boy licked me out. ‘Oh! Oh! Oh! YES YES YEEES!!!’ I screamed. ‘Ugh, come on baby! OOH, yeah!’ Shouted Shane. Then they withdrew. And I collapsed.

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