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sexy rachael!!!

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: my 17th bday party
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

ok so it wasent my first time at having sex but it was my first time with a girl.

i met rachael at college she looked fantastic and i fancied her from the first time i saw her.

it was my bday and i invited her and her best mate to my party. we all got really drunk and as you do we started to play spin the bottle!! it landed on me and i just wanted it to land on rachael and it did so we then went for the kiss and it was amazing and very ment to happen!!

as the game went on me and rachael went upstairs a bit more drunk than we were. we went into my room and without a word we kissed and then i took her top off revealing her amazing breasts!! she looked at me and then took my top off. she put her hands on me and told me that she loved me.
i put my hand down her bra and played with her nipple it turned her as she moaned it was the best thing ever. i then undid her bra and started to kiss her neck. i then removed her bra. she then did the same to me which turned me on like crazy. she had a sexy little skirt on that looked amazing on her. we were up against my bedroom wall and all i could think about was how much i wanted to go down on her. i put my hand down her skirt and she m

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