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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: my parent's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We were best friends all through 9th grade. He went out with 2 of my friends. Then we went to high school, 10th grade, still the best of friends and one day it changed. He kissed me. My first real kiss. During the next few months, I had a lot of firsts. He was experienced except for going all the way. A year later we had done everything but going all the way. We were ready and we were first loves and both virgins. My parents were going to be away one weekend. He came over on a Saturday. We were in my room and ready. Led Zepplens, stairway to heaven was playing on my stereo, we were on my twin bed, and he had the blue condom. We started. I didn’t know what I was doing and neither did he, but we managed to figure out where he was supposed to enter me. It hurt sooooo bad at first, then it got easier. It was over before I new it and it was still hurting. We were 15, in love, naive, and it was beautiful and something that I have never regretted although I was only 15. We lost touch for many years after finishing high school. We found each other about 5 years ago and it has been a close long distance friendship ever since. Although we are both in our current relationships(marriage and kids), we both have a special place in our hearts for each other, afterall….he was my first everything.

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