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She is my dream

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Ellie's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I’ve had this girl I’d liked ever since I first got into year 7 her name was Ellie.. I’ve got to tell you, she is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. When she first moved schools to my school, I’ll admit I wasn’t that popular with the ladies, but I felt she was the one, so I asked her ” why did you move schools” she said shed had severe bulling problems at her old school, and here’s where I let it slip, I said, who would bully such a beautiful thing like you. That’s when I realized what I’d said, luckily there wasn’t anyone around, but she replied ” I don’t know ” I didn’t know what to say after that, I was gonna say sorry but that just woulda been stupid, so it became really awkward, stood there staring at her beautiful green eyes like a dope, untill she finally broke the silence and said ” I’ll talk to you later, ok ” now I watched her walk away, and I caught a glimpse of her lower body, damn she had the perfect ass, and her legs where wonderful, I got an immediate hard. And I was still tryin to push it down while walking to maths class, 15 mins later, over the year we progressed from friends to bf/gf… She was so beautiful, and we had a real connection, I loved her so much it wasn’t really about her body, as fine as it was, I loved for who she was, and how she treated me. Sure me and her got teased about it, but it didn’t matter when we hadeachother, the way she looked at me, and the way we’d just sit at a private seat and passionately kiss for half of lunch told me she felt the same way, that was year 7, in year 8 shit started gettin serious, she sprouted some nice tits and I hit puberty, easily gaining an inch to my pole, I still loved her, and she still loved me, but sometimes I’d catch myself staring at her ample titts instead of her beautiful eyes, I still can’t get over her now, anyway, halfway through year 8 she asked me if I wanted to come over that night, it was a Friday night, and she said her parents were out, as where my own. I k we what that meant, so I said yeah I’ll come over. I got to her house, not the first time I’d ever been over there, but it was the first time I’d beenthere without her parents home, she immediately grabbed my hand and asked whether I wanted to join her, I said I’d only be too halt too

She was even more beautiful naked, me and her undressed eachother while hooking up like crazy, I was rock solid, and I was already weak at the knee’s the moment I saw her beautiful pussy, I thought I had died and gone to heaven, I almost came just looking at it, but she didn’t waste anytime, she pulled me against her ontop of her bed, she was about the same height as me, beutiful long blond hair and green eyes that made you want to cry, I felt my nob at the mouth of her puss and I knew that it was gonna be good, she guided me in and as soon as I felt the warm, silky smooth, delicate, inside of her puss I shot my load off inside her In a monster orgasm, 8 gobs at least went deep inside her, but I want done, infact I only got harder she held me tight against her, me slowly pumping in and out off her gorgeous puss, me feeling our juices mingling, the feeling is hard to describe, she held me tight against her, while she had her orgasm I started pumping harder, then I had my orgasm again and off went another 6-7 gobs of cum into her wet puss after about 30 mins of this being repeated, we where exhausted… I was still throbbing hard, little tiny bits of cum still dribbling outa my pole, but it didn’t matter, for the rest of that night we fucked deeply and passionately, I love her so much, and still do, that’s right. I’m engaged to her now, we marry in 3 months 🙂

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