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She was fat I was out

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Dorm
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

It was my second year at Yale . Some let the pigs (big girls) in the door I had just studied two days hard and finished a final. They were celebrating something down stairs at the frat house I was in. I came down for a drink and after half a beer I was ready for bed. While brushing my teeth something came over me. My room mate asked if I was ok I was tired but nothing he said after registered. This beautiful girl came in took me by the hand to my bed and blind folded me she put a pill I’m my mouth I peeked it was Viagra . Pulled down my pants and pushed me back on my bed. This 400 pound pig crawled on me . I couldn’t move any thing. Not a finger with out her say so. She fucked me and three others it was a blurr . I can’t remember much I was so hard I had to pee and couldn’t . I woke up real late with a serious head ache and still hard as a rock. It was all I could do to walk to the toilet. It took all my concentration to pee and it hurt my prostate but when I did. I peed for two minutes . I fell in bed and slept till it got dark. I woke up still hard as a rock and I really hurt . The emergency room gave me something and it went limp for only an hour . Then they gave something to mix in water and drink every hour till it stayed soft. My first fucks really were nightmares

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