Where it happened: in Colorado
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight
I was Hiking in Eldorado canyon and one evening as I was packing it in for the night I saw this figure of a person walking my way. She was lost and I told her how to get to the road and she said its overcast and my batteries are almost gone how long will it take? I told her about 2 hours in the light and 3 hours with a flash light but it would be hard. she looked very tired her hair looked like a wild bush and her short shorts were very dirty. her legs face arms were dirty also. I was unrolling my Bivy [a cover for a sleeping bag when you don’t use a tent] and realized she was not ready for the evening cold. Where is your jacket and gear? I asked her. I was only on a short hike with my husband and I walked off the path to potty and must of turned the wrong way and now I’m here. When she told me where she started I knew she had been lost a long time. When she told me where their camp was I knew she would not find it with out help. It was dry so a camp fire would be a good way to spend 6 months in jail. Though now I think it would of got a ranger to us. What should I do the temperature was going to drop 25 degrees in the next couple hours? She was dressed for a day hike in the sun. Lady your putting me in a spot you can’t leave here or you’ll die. If I had a tent we would be fine I only have this Bivy and a sleeping bag. So put on my jacket and ball cap and you sleep in the bivy its only nylon and I’ll sleep in my sleeping bag and you lay next to me and it it doesn’t rain we will be OK. If it rains you will stay dry and freeze and I’ll get wet and freeze and maybe we can make it to 10 am when the sun can hit this side of the mountain. She asked for some water and downed half my water bottle in a few gulps now she will freeze for sure all that cold water. Sure enough she was shaking like a leaf, with my jacket on in the bivy and all. Dammit I said get out of that Bivy, and I put my sleeping bag in the bivy and pulled top of the mummy bag as open as big it could go . I’m not positive we can fit but you will freeze to death if you don’t. Well getting in was an engineering act. I went in first and she couldn’t get her hips past my head I went down in and then almost suffocated as she was half way. So I pushed her out and we tried together except my cargo pants were hung up. So I took off my pants and looked over and she took off her shorts and we facing each other fit in to a one person mummy bag although it was very tight and my leg was between hers and visa versa. I told her we had to rotate so I could finish the Bivy set up. I pulled the Bivy rain hood and inserted the flex pole so now we had rain and snow protection . Like a dome over our face and shoulders. It wasn’t comfortable but it was warm. I never lay with a woman before and a woman my size stinky and her hair in my face and her full weight on me was something different. In twenty minutes she stopped shaking. and in twenty more she was sound a sleep and her breathing changed. So I’m wide a wake and some stranger laying on me with her hair in my face and her knee in my balls. It started to rain and it came down hard for hour. Then the wind changed as it does in the mountains and it turned to sleet then light snow that melts when it hits then every thing iced up. It was maybe 30 degrees at 5:00 am. I thought how lucky she was to have found me she would surely be dead and the rangers would have to find her with the hounds and now they wont even try because of the rain. around 5:30 she she kissed my neck and humped my leg and then she woke up and I could tell she was a little unsure of her circumstances. Good morning I whispered. Hi ……What’s your name? she whispered back. Kevin . Whats yours? Mrs Smith. [fake] she replied. You slept well I told her. I was very tired ,I was wondering around since 10:00 AM. And I found you at 9:30 PM I think. Sounds right I saved your life you know it rained snowed and sleeted last night. When the sun hits us we can start to hike you out of here. Two hours hike to my car then we will go right to the ranger station as your husband will be there for sure. I have some granola in the tree in my pack but Its really cold out there I’m in no hurry to get it. I’m not hungry just horny. she said. Oh boy I got a horny woman on me and Haven’t even seen her in the day light yet. Kevin did you sleep OK? No I didn’t sleep at all. I got something to help you sleep. and she french kissed me on the mouth.Can you help me get my top and bra off i cant hardly move in here and your arms are around me any way. I don’t even know you mrs Smith. She yelled then threatened to knee me in the balls if I didn’t. So now i have a topless woman snuggling on me and I knew what was next. But I was wrong. Kevin this sounds like a strange request but I need you to suck both my tits for at least 4 or five minutes. she put a hand on my head and pushed me down a little and lifted a firm warm breast to my mouth I kissed and licked it and nuzzled it. Suck boy she said and so I sucked a little. Suck hard you pussy she said so I sucked and warm sugar sweet milk filled my mouth. Oh my gosh was it good and tasty not like cow milk. I’m dripping on the other side suck a little there too.she said. Go back and forth I want to be even when I hike. My tits are heavy with milk right now. So I filled with milk. I wish I had Oreo s with me. So your nursing a baby I asked. No I sell my milk . I have never been pregnant been married 6 years and never used birth control. I make a good part time income selling breast milk and I keep it good quality. I like it bet its good in coffee.I said. 16 ounces in the morning and 16 ounces in the evening I got real good tits and real firm to and they really don’t sag much I can show you when its light. Now help me get these panties down and pull out that pecker of yours. Mrs Smith I’m a virgin and I want to save my self for….. Hay I been screwing the same guy my whole life and maybe he has no babies in his balls so fire that pecker up and let me sit on it and you squirt me good. Wait a minute! I told her. You got no right, I saved you. now get off me ! I struggled and she hugged me hard and laughed. You cant escape can you ? I struggled some more and she was right I was trapped. Ok just let me feel your pecker she said and I don’t know why but I let her. She felt me and I got the hardest hard on and she was a pro and I felt good I was putty in her hands. She took my hands from the small of her back and put it on her butt cheeks. and slid down on my Hard penis. Your not a virgin and more so fuck me she whispered. Oh she was good and I was really trapped and in a few minutes I shot my wad. She never got off I just lay there limp. [Not like I could go any where] Lets rotate so we did and I fell out while on top and I fell asleep. When I woke up it was light and she kissed me and instantly I was hard. Go deep she whispered and I was in deep and I fucked for what I thought was forever nice and slow and faster a little the last few seconds then I held it as deep as I could as the last drop of the last squirt squirted out. That was four hundred and seventy nine real slow humps, Are you good ! Isn’t that silly she was counting as I was moaning. I hope I get pregnant she said you are pretty good looking. Thanks I said and I pulled the bivy hood down and it was melting ice but still really cold and I didn’t care. as I climbed out over Mrs Smith she grabbed my wet hard on and licked it clean. saving me from using my only water to wash up. I dressed quickly and took a whiz in the bushes while Mrs Smith just lay in the mummy bag. What are you doing I asked ? I’m letting these sperm swim up in me If I stand up all your sperm will run Out and down my leg. What? I’m leaving find your own way home. She was out in a second getting her bra and top back on and standing like a cow boy and I saw some of my cum drip on to the ground. I gave her a tissue to wipe and she got her panties and shorts back on. I warmed up and we came to a creek where I took off my top and washed up. Well the dirty girl got the hint and she stood in that cold mountain water and bathed in front of me with her birthday suite on. She was a fine woman all washed up. She washed her hair and put it up in a bun. She rinsed her panties wrung them out and put them in the sun and walked to me naked as I sat there climbed in my lap and said suck its time. Wow I could see these wonderful latino tan tits so full and firm and sticking straight out I watched the one drip as I sucked on the other and it ran down her waist on her leg and I sucked them both a lot of milk. and my finger was in herI refused to fuck her knowing I have friends hiking this area and didn’t want caught. Any way she finally made it to her husband and I never saw her any more so my first was a sexy latino with milky boobs