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Sheeeeeit, Son

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: the barn
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So, back in the day, when i was a young lad…you know, when i had to walk to school, barefoot, uphill both ways, in the freezing rain and snow and sleet with alligators nipping at my bronzed, adonis-like ankles and when i got home i was forced to milk the cows and “sow the seed” by my pappy or else he would beat my firm, yet supple behind with a bundle of cherry switches that he would force me to go pick myself while he prodded me with the sharpened tips of the family pitchfork… family lived on a 200-acre farm in iowa…there was the farm house, the shed, the barn, the pastures, the fields, and of course, the negro-shelter where we housed the ‘help’ who pain-stakingly broke their backs, picking wheat with their teeth and cotton with their bloody, pinkish-black fingers…and in the negro-shelter was the daughter of bubba…oh, how i lusted for that young lass…far more golden then any of the other girls in the county and let me tell you, oh wowzers, was she a firebird…i couldn’t have been more then 13 or 14 and i would go with my pappy out to the fields to whip the work hands and it was all i could do to hide my MASSIVE erection (yes, i was just as large as a young lad as i am now, even in my later years, i am still hung like a clydesdale) that snaked about in my trousers as i watched that fine lass’s sweet, plum-like arse waggle around as she bent over, to pick the cotton.. pappy would order me around as a child, and when i hit 13 and became a man (we are of jewish blood, you see) he began to let me take on more responsability and would send me out to the fields to whip the blackies myself while he stayed behind and groomed sheep…on one fine occasion, i went to the fields and there she was…dressed in a torn gingham dress that i can still see clearly, to this day (ginko-biloba…its a miracle worker)…despite the severe consequences i knew i would be delt, i order the ‘workers’ back to their shelter…as she walked by me, head bent down, i called her over and told her to go ‘pitch some hay’ in the barn…being of subservant blood, as she was, and trained oh, so well, she noded and with a ‘yes, massa’, on muh way, sir’, she walked to the barn…when no one was around, i slipped into the barn and there she was, working up a fine sweat, pitching hay like there was no tomorrow…she was a work-horse you see, always had been and i could only imagine the strength between her fine, burly legs…sneaking up behind her, as she went for another mound of hay, i reached around her, placing my bulking-pubescent arms around her thick, african waist…”tha masta’ demands you shuck his corn, is that understood?”…she shuddered slightly and i supported her red-wood like frame…cracking my whip against the dirt floor, i said “tha masta’ demands that the girlie SHUCKS HIS CORN WITH MUCH VIGOR, is that understood, girlie? Shuck the masta’s corn and the girlie just might have a day off. the girlie would like a day off, would she not?” with her horrified, amber eyes, she stared into mine, lips pursed, she nodded…all was understood and all was good…i tore her dress and gazed in awe at her body…black as obsidian, she was…of incredibly fine breeding-lines and all…no one else had a biatch like her in the county…and she was to be mine, my very first…(here’s where it gets sentimental)…bending her over a saw horse, i dropped my coveralls and smack…i mean CARESSED…her fine beautiful bottom with my swollen man-pole…she squeaked…”talk dirty to tha masta’,” i said “tha masta’ likes that dirty bitches”…her response was similar to that of a meadow lark being decapitated by the wheel of the family’s sunday wagon…”ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh”…
she squawked…being only a young lad, although i had a good idea of what i wanted, i was still a virgin and had little idea how to hold my own in the matters of love and passionate booty-sex…spitting a wad of spit and tobacco juices onto my cock, i stroked myself once or twice…i began to thrust the head of my palpitating man-crutch into her charred twat, and managed to miss…about 4 cm of my cock went into her poop-shoot and before i could correct myself, i felt the velvety softness of her morning remains, and blew a somewhat disappointing amount of man-chowder onto her beautiful, volumptuous rear…that was that, and even now, i am still in love with that lass…she ran away from the farm and was never seen again…71 years later and that is still my only sexual experience, tho i do consider myself to still be ‘tha masta”…it is simply my dedication to love that drives me to purity..well…until i break a hip and OD on morphine for the pain…after that, i will meet my beauty.. soul mate…at the pearly gates of heaven…and then, my dream of a three-way with my lass and that beautiful, youthful, st. peter…oh yes, we will defile those fucking pearly gates…BLACK POWER!

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