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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: At my friend's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My parents divorced and my mom and I moved to a new town. We had been there for mayba couple of weeks, when I met a girl my own age. She was nice, and to me she seemed kind of average. She didn’t seem wild or anything like that. Anyway, a few days after we first met, we were sitting up on in her room on her bed, and we were just talking about stuff. Then she said that she was glad to have met me, and I said that I was glad to have met her. She looked at me and smiled, then she leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. I had never kissed another girl before and I was kind of surprised over her doing that. But it just seemed like this friendly thing to do. I was a little embarrassed, but I didn’t mind exactly.
She said that it was nice doing that with a friend, and how it was easier and more fun than with a boy. I said something like I supposed that it was. We looked at each other, and we kissed again. This time it was more of a real kiss, and we let our lips stay together. It was pretty neat doing that as girls, and I sort of liked it. So we did several more kisses, putting our hands on each other’s arms while we did that. Then I felt her hand on my left breasts, gently fondling it. It just seemed like part of it, so I started to feel her breast. We were actually starting to use our tongues while we kissed, and she began to unbutton the blouse I had on, and she slipped her hand into my bra to feel my bare tit. When she began playing with my nipple, it was such a turn on.
We stopped kissing and she took off her shirt and bra. She had quite full breasts. I began to fondle them and she took my blouse and bra off and we feeling each other’s bare tities. She started kissing and sucking on my nipples, so I did the dsame to her. It was easy to do. Then we started taking all of our clothes off and we got naked and stretched out on the bed, and we started to masturbate one another. Within five minutes we were both having an orgasm It felt so absolutely wonderful climaxing together.
That was our first time. After that, we started having sex several times a week at least. The two us are stillf riends today, although we are now both married and live in different towns. But it was wonderful to have that girl romance with each other.

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