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Showing Each Other

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: In the woods
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

Writing about the very first time I ever did anything sexual with a girl. It was with a girl from my neighborhood and we had pretty much grown up knowing and playing with each other. We lived in a very small town and our neighborhood was surrounded by woods. When she and I were both around 14, we walked into the woods one afternoon just looking for something to do. We were walking and talking when our conversation somehow turned to the subject of sex. We both knew we were different from each other and both knew about how we were made and what grown ups do. But, we’d never seen what things look like “down there”.

It wasn’t long and the “I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours” thing came up. Just the idea of my showing a girl what I had there plus my seeing a real pussy for the first time made my dick get super hard. We got to a heavy shaded area and decited to go for it. She got behind a tree and I got behind another tree. We both did the “Are you ready” thing and then we came out. Her eyes were all over my hard dick and mine were on her little pussy. We both had started growing hair there and she had enough that I had to get close to her to really be able to see her pussy lips. Of course, she had no problem seeing mine. It was as big and hard as it had ever been.

I then ask her “Can I touch it”? She answered “If you’ll let me touch yours”. We both reached over and I started running my fingers along her pussy while she was running her finger tips along my dick. It felt so good having her touch me there. I was dying to come so I reached down with my right hand and started stroking on it. She ask what I was doing and I told her making it feel real good. She just watched me as I slowly jerked off. It didn’t take anytime at all before I felt the feeling hitting me and I thrusted forward as it went off. I had started cumming cum when I was 13 and I squirted some on her. She jumped back and said “What is that”? I told her “It’s cum. It’s what makes babies”. She then got some off of her on her fingers and felt it. She said “It’s sure is slimmy feeling”. I told her “Yea, I know”.

We then put our clothes back on and headed home. We said we’d do it again. She said she wanted to see more and that she’d show me how she makes herself feel good. This went on for another two years. Then, we stopped doing it. How we ended up not doing other things with each other I’ll never know. We thought about putting our things together but never did. If I had it to do over again, I’m sure I would end up in that little pussy of hers early on as crazy about that stuff as I have been since.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience