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sis and her friend

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: sisters bedroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

well this is alittle strange but true. when I was 13 i liked to jack off ( i still do) but I liked to put on my big sisters bra and panties when i jacked off, one day I thought i was home alone i was is julies room with a huge hard n with her bra on stuffed with toilet paper so it looke like i had boobs when julie and her friend sandy came home and cought me. they thought it was so funny, they would not let me out of the room and made me keep jacking off till i came. I had no problem with them watching me play with myself, i liked it.
well they had the goods on me so they kept making me dress up and watching me jack off, after about 7 or 8 times of doing this they both had the bright idea i should do more, so they got a blowup doll and made fuck it in front of them. it was ok as i was so horney. 0ne day of dress up julie and sandy told me to get in the closet for a few minuts for a suprise, when they told me to come out they both were in bed with nothing on exectp each other, lickine and sucking each other tits ,this was my first treat for being a good boy as they called it. needless to say I was so horney then they told me to get into bed with both of them, i first fucked sandy i only lasted about 15 seconds in her but what the heck it was so good. then the strange thing happend my sister gave me a blow job and i got so hard i then got on top of my sister and fucked her. sandy moved away after one year i must of fucked her about 15 times that year. but my sister still likes to give me a blow job once in a while then on to a good round of fucking. she still likes to watch me dress up in her bra and panties and I am happy to do it for her. to my lovely sister Julie you ae the best lover i have ever had

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