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skippping class

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: school bathroom
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

i have this guy friend named jake. were both 14
he told me one day that there was something in the boys bathroom about me that i HAD to see apparently.
i said why cant you tell me what it says ? cause i was too scared that i might get caught. he told me i had to see it for myself. so on a day 3 ,
we skip gym 4th period. once everyones out of the halls, jake goes and checks to see if anyones in the bathroom. no ones in there so we sneak in.
he says its in the handicapped stall which is a lot bigger than the other ones. we walk into that stall and he shuts and locks the door.
i ask where is it ? he says under the toilet paper holder. so i bend over to see it ( and im wearing tna pants and a thong )
and all of a sudden i feel him touch my butt. and i get up and say what are you doing ! and he just pulls me to him and pushes his
tongue into my throat and he keeps making out and touching my boobs while he does and feeling my butt..
and says shhh someone might hear you. i dont do anything and he put his hand down my pants and starts feeling my vagina
and i just stand there cause i kinda liked it and then he bent me over so my hands are on the toilet seat ( gross i know )
and im bending over .. and he pulls my pants and underwear down. i tell him to stop but all he says is i know you like it.
and to be honest i kinda did. but this never happened to me before so i guess i was tight and he puts a finger in my vagina
and starts fingering me .. then he trys putting two in and finally gets them in. and it felt realllly good. then he stops and
starts licking me out untill i cum.. then he asks if he can fuck me and i just nod my head. he tries getting it in but it
wont fit so he says hes going to try to stretch me out .. i asked how can u do that ? and he just kept fingering me untill he
could fit 3 in and then he used both his hands to stretch it. after he finally got his dick in and it hurt a bit then it felt alot better
and he kept fucking me untill the bell rang .. and then we cleaned up and left after everyone went to lunch ..

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