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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Justins Bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

OK so its summer before my senior year and this guy I’ve had mad crush on for long time is home from his first year at college. Thru friends he finds out my crush and just talk for awhile. I find out he has a gf back at college but he says they are taking break from each other. Anyways he has the coolest place to stay cus when his grandma died he got the little room they made on the back of the house with its own doors n kitchen n bathroom. Its like an apartment.

So we hang out there alot talking and stuff during the day when hes not at work and after. Like one day he picks me up on his way home n we go to hang out n watch movies. He took a shower but needed me to bring his contact case cus one fell out he was taking out the other. The shower door is clear and even tho its was foggy i could see his whole body including his dick. He was so hott!!

So anyways that led to awkward conversations later why we was watching tv. It was embarassing questions about sex and who i had been with and stuff like that. I had never had sex but I had done blowjobs before. We eventually started some serious making out. We had kissed a couple of times but not like this. Before long he was on top of me grinding so hard I could feel his hard dick against me. He was like do you want to fool around and I said ok. So then he started undressing me and once i was in my panties he started going down on me. It was so great. It seemd to last forever LOL.

So then he stood up and pulled off his shirt and his soccer shorts. he was actually not so hard now. He laid down beside me in his boxers and I knew what he wanted. I put my hand in the little hole in front and pulled his dick out and put it right in my mouth. I could feel it growing so fast and in like half a minute it was full hard again. He let me suck on him for like maybe 10 minuts then he stoped me and wehnt to get a condom in his dresser. He came back and slid it on and he got on his knees between my legs and pulled me real close to him. I was kind proped up on his legs with my butt. The he started to push it in super slowly. His dick wasnt like super wide but it was long and it was hurting alot. I felt bad cus I scratched his thigh with my nails but he said it was ok. But anwyas he was super sweet about it and went realy slow. It seems like it took about 5 mintues before we could like really do a rhythm with me. He kept asking if it was hurting to bad or if I was alright. After awhile I finaly had orgasm that was completely amazing. Justin kept going and going til finaly he came to and then he ran to throw the condom away and came back to lay with me.
It was just a real sweet experience and I’m glad I shared it wit him. About two hours later we did again. We hooked up about 20 times probly before he left again LOL!

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